Here’s my fascinating journey into the world of helping people with their hurts and struggles…
I’ve been counseling and coaching people for the past 40 years - all over the USA and in other countries as well. You name it and
we talked about it. Nothing surprises or shocks me now. I’ve worked with women and men, teenagers, married/engaged couples,
families and prisoners too. Mental Health, Personal Trauma, Bitter Betrayal, Sexual Secrets, Marital Relationships & more…
There is no hurt that God can’t heal and there is no habit that He can’t change. I’ve seen it all. I’ve worked with people who have the
deepest disappointments and with those who have the darkest secrets. Most times, I’m helping people to cope with everyday
feelings which bring us emotional pain. In this website, you’ll see all sorts of ways and topics where I can help you…
I have my Bachelors Degree in Psychology, my Masters Degree in Theology, and my Doctorate Degree in Ministry. I wrote an award-
winning “Best Ministry Book of the Year” which has generated dozens of counseling sessions about taboo topics that very few
Christians discuss. Pastors from all over the world message me to get help with how to wisely counsel people who come to them
with personal issues and actions that are rarely ever spoken about.
I’ve written numerous Articles in well-known magazines. I’ve been interviewed in a bunch of Podcasts and TV shows, as well. I have
pastored several churches and have heard their heart- wrenching stories of all kinds. I’ve worked with couples whose marriages
seemed hopeless. I’ve spoken with people who have had the most horrendous and evil things done to them, when younger. I
currently train ministry leaders from around the world to be much better counselors.
I’m currently writing three more books that come from decades of my counseling experiences, My specialty is strengthening your
relationships with your family, spouse/partner, and with God. I’ll help you understand why you (and other people) say and do
things that can hurt others. I want you to understand how to be much happier in life with the deepest kind of love possible.
Many of the topics you see in this website are a product of these books, interviews, podcasts, Magazine articles, and TV shows. I
know why people hurt and I also know how God can heal these hurts. All my clients have urged me for years to make my materials
and wise advice more available and affordable and that’s the reason for this website and that’s my calling in life….
I also know how family tragedy can alter all of life and how God helps us to slowly heal from it. I’ve helped hundreds and hundreds
of people to become better and not bitter about their life. People can say and do things that completely baffle you because you
didn’t deserve it, true? Likewise, we say and do things that hurt others and need to learn how to improve relationships.
As a result, my goal is to always give you both truth and grace – a combination rarely seen. Truth sets you free and Grace gives you
strength. I am gutsy yet godly in the advice I give! You’ll see testimonials from some of my clients in a separate page that I hope
will help you.
We tend to get hardened when we get hurt. Some of us are super sensitive and some of us are plain insensitive. Personalities
clash, marriages fail, relationships are lost and we tend to usually blame the other person. Let me help you to see your situation
with clarity and get some closure. We get too close to things and don’t see what’s really happening behind the scenes.
Just a few moments can drastically change someone’s life and usually, it’s not for the better. However, God heals the broken-
hearted and gives us what we need to do to heal your heart.
Most counselors, speakers or organizations happen to specialize in only a handful of emotional hurts or personal trauma. I
specialize in all types of hurts, injustice, pain, trauma, relationships, events, & memories that happen in life. I am quite
approachable, competent, and uniquely compassionate - you can open up with me about what’s bothering you and not be
embarrassed or ashamed to tell me your personal story.
I hope you find what you’re looking for on our website and that we get to talk or text with each other over the phone or via
Zoom/Skype – whatever is most comfortable and convenient for you right now. I’ll give you a free 20-minute Phone or Zoom
Consultation appointment so you can feel comfortable in deciding to move forward with further help from me in the near future.
Let’s set up a time to talk/text on the phone, chat via Zoom/Meet, or maybe even meet in person about how I can help you in
healing your hurts that bother you.
Dr. Sam Serio

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