woman in black tank top covering her face with her hands


Might your attraction be your response

to past pain, emotional trauma or deep

humiliation - without you even realizing

it? What started out as a hurt, has

ended up being a habit. Your pain

turned into a pattern. That’s so easy to

happen over time. Might you be trying

to find soul satisfaction in a creature

rather than the Creator? All of us do

that. Might your attraction to the same

sex have begun as a lack of confidence

about your own sexuality? All of us try

to cope with pain in different ways.

Might you consider the person and

power of Jesus? If He can bring sight to

the blind and hearing to the deaf and

raise the dead, He can also restore your

heterosexual desires. Let’s chat about


a couple kissing in front of a rainbow - colored light
a couple kissing in front of a rainbow - colored light